Paul Farrell, Jr. is widely recognized by his peers as a pioneer and authority on the diversion claims directed against the opiate prescription drug manufacturers, distributors and dispensers.
$10 Million Medical Malpractice Verdict
Riggs v. West Virginia University Health
A Leader in the National Transvaginal Mesh Litigation
Attorney Paul Farrell, Jr. filed one of the first Transvaginal Mesh cases in the country which resulted in the consolidation of some 80,000 cases from across the United States in federal court in Charleston, West Virginia, where he served on the MDL Executive Committee.
$38 Million Nursing Home Negligence Case
We trust nursing homes with a sacred duty: to help us care for our loved ones in their final years. So when a facility instead brings harm to our most vulnerable family members and friends, the betrayal can be devastating.
In the case of 87-year-old Mrs. Douglas, a nursing home’s negligence proved fatal.